He Has It

My Father has it. Everything I could ever need. Everything I could ever imagine. Anything that’s going on, He’s got it. All under control.

I’ll be transparent. It’s not always easy to believe this, or even trust that its the least bit true. Especially when we are in the midst of a battle or storm. Much less feeling the security of this truth when you’re in the middle of what feels like hell.

In this season of depression, I’ve had to do a lot of reframing my mind. It doesn’t change my circumstances. It doesn’t make the days or tasks easier. It doesn’t lessen the fight.

What it does is give me the strength I need to persevere. The determination to keep putting one foot in front of the other in order to show up. To give myself just a little more grace than I did yesterday. It's all a process and some days seem a bit more taxing than others.

Romans 8:31-39, Message Translation

So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.

We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Nothing catches God by surprise. That mere thought baffles many, even devoted Christ followers. Surely this good, good Father knows what I’m going through. Surely He will change my circumstances because there’s no way this could or would be His plan for my life.

As believers, I think we put unhealthy restrictions on our relationship with God through Jesus. We automatically assume that because we question or struggle or hurt, that God couldn’t possibly love us or want the best for us. And friends, that is far, far, far from true.

We serve a loving and just Father. He wants the absolute best for you and me. We live in a world tainted with sin, that wasn’t His plan. It wasn’t His desire for us. Jesus died on the cross so that we could have the best gift of all, the gift of Heaven that is to come one day soon. Because of this hope we have; we can persevere through the tough moments. Through the storms and the hell, we may walk through here on earth. We can keep putting one foot in front of the other because we know this isn’t the end of the story. That our God is alive, and that one day all of the wrongs will be made right.

I saw a quote recently that read: “Those who put everything in God’s hands, will eventually see God’s hands in everything.”

Friends, one day we will see the big picture. We will understand just why our prayers weren’t answered in the way in which we wanted, but in the perfect way according to God’s big picture plan. We will glimpse the reason why we struggled and be able to look back with gratitude that we weren’t on this journey alone. I pray that you will trust God fully today, whatever your life may look like. Hand him all of the messy pieces and give yourself grace for the ups and downs you may walk through. As heavy as your heart may be, it’s not too heavy for God. You are loved, dear child of God. Your Father has it today.


In the Dark, But My Gaze Is Up


Why Can’t I Just Be Proud?