Check Your Warning Lights

Have you ever gone to crank your car and instead of getting that normal “ding” as your car turns on, you are met with warning lights and error messages on your dashboard?  Yes, I too, felt dread as I read what I wrote.  Who knew there were so many different lights that could come on?

I don’t know about you, but one thing I do know is that I take having a reliable car to drive, for granted.  It’s only when something goes wrong, that we often think about things like this.  Like when the warning lights appear, the car won’t start, or the tire goes flat.  I’ve been there.  At the moment totally freaking out because I had no idea what to do, and in the next, I realized how much I take for granted.

I found myself driving a rental car because mine was at the shop being repaired.  A vehicle several years newer than mine, I thought I’d be able to freely drive all over the place.  I never expected to have issues driving a rental.  I assumed they were serviced regularly and they normally don’t have many miles on them.  It’s like driving a new car! 

I got in the car one morning with just enough time to get to work.  When I cranked the car, every possible light that could come on, came on and more.  It looked like Christmas, but it didn’t feel good like Christmas.  Then I saw it. 

System brake failure: max speed 45 mph.

What. In. The. World.

Having never found myself in a predicament like this before, we (my husband included, lol) thought it was a false error.  Like no way this can be correct…false.  I backed out of the driveway and proceeded to the stop sign at the end of the road.  Side note - the stop sign is at the bottom of a hill. Now remember, the car tried to warn me there were no brakes, but I failed to adhere to the warning.  I kept going.  I found myself standing with both feet on the brake pedal and there was nothing happening.  No brakes!! Thankfully there were no cars coming as I rolled through the stop sign and to a stop on the side of the road a short time later.

It was a terrifying endeavor.  Why didn’t I pay attention to the warning lights?  I thought I knew more.  I thought it was a joke.  Clearly the car was built to recognize and alert when something is off or needs to be serviced. Perhaps not all lights are as serious as no brakes, but nonetheless, something needs to be checked, replaced, or calibrated.  How many times do we hear the ding of low fuel only to know exactly how long we can push it before we run out of gas?

Clearly I am no car expert.  As I have looked back on this experience, I can now laugh.  It makes me wonder, how many times do I try to be the god of my own life?  Choosing my own way for everything and not aligning my desires with God’s desires for my life?  The amount of times I don’t heed the warnings in my life and I end up having to deal with the consequences.

God has blessed us with the ability to make decisions.  With that ability comes a choice as to which voice or voices we will allow into our lives.  Not everything that looks “good” is good for us.  I’m thankful for the warning lights in my life.  For they keep me on track and challenge me to keep my eyes on God and what His plan is for my life.  There’s room for growth when my eyes are focused on the right thing.

What about you?  Are there warning lights showing up in your life today?  Maybe alerting you that something isn’t quite right.  I challenge you today to place your trust in God and seek Him for discernment in your life, your plans, and your most cherished dreams.  He will guide you every step of the way.  Don’t give up.  You don’t want to be driving without brakes.  

Psalm 62:5-8

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.

My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.  O my people, trust in him at all times.

Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge


Do The Thing Afraid